Hope in Christ

WMU Emphasis for 2022–24

The WMU Emphasis is an overarching theme for WMU’s various avenues of missions discipleship. Each two-year emphasis is a scriptural spiritual concept that provides a framework for WMU’s coordinated study and support of missions among all age levels. This cohesive structure of study allows a church to journey together in spiritual growth and fulfilling the mission of God.

During the 2022–24 church years, WMU and WMU leaders are rallying around our hope in Christ, seeking Him to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others.

2022–24 WMU Emphasis: 

Hope in Christ



Because of our hope in Christ, we will seek to be

    • genuine in love,
    • patient in tribulation,
    • constant in prayer, and
    • compassionate to all.



“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” —Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Emphasis and Planning Resources

Missions Leader: WMU Planning Guide 2023–24

Missions Leader 2023–24 is your source for leading your church in the Hope in Christ emphasis throughout the church year.

Missions Leader provides detail information about the Hope in Christ emphasis:

    • overview of the emphasis 
    • promotional and worship material 
    • emphasis-specific principles guiding WMU’s age-level missions discipleship curriculum for the year

Missions Leader also includes what you need for annual and quarterly planning of missions discipleship and involvement, ideas and plans for growing and developing your leadership team, WMU’s missions discipleship curriculum study plan for the year, and ways to be involved in missions through compassion ministries.

Replacement for Page 10 (PDF download)

After the publication of Missions Leader 2023–24, a theological error was discovered. WMU seeks to share about God’s Word with great care. We aim to speak accurately of what has been revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. Despite measures to ensure all content is written, edited, and reviewed with biblical accuracy, at times, errors occur. In the Responsive Reading, an erroneous statement was made that said God created Jesus Christ. WMU bases its beliefs on the inerrant, infallible, sufficient, authoritative, unchanging Word of God and stands firmly on passages proclaiming the eternal, uncreated Son of God, including, but not limited to, John 1:1–18; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Philippians 2:4–6; Colossians 1:15–17; and 1 John 1:1–3. These beliefs are also affirmed in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, which states in Article II about God, “The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.” It further states in Article II, Section B, “Christ is the eternal Son of God.” As such, we have provided a revised Responsive Reading that reflects this understanding of Scripture and the nature of Jesus. We regret this mistake occurred and will continue to enforce strict review of biblical content.

Hope in Christ Poster Pack 2022–24

Bring attention to WMU’s 2022–24 Hope in Christ emphasis by displaying these Hope in Christ posters in your church. These posters provide a visual reminder that our hope is found in Christ.

The Hope in Christ Poster Pack includes one Hope in Christ Emphasis Poster and one Hope in Christ Watchword Poster.

Each poster is bilingual with English on one side and Spanish on the other. Each poster measures 22-by-17 inches.

Because of Hope: Reflections of Faith

Because of Hope offers faith reflections of 50 individuals through stories and devotional thoughts.

Journey with the authors as they are mentored by others, walk in obedience, face unimaginable loss, persevere through hardship, overcome trials, witness incredible love and compassion, gain insight from God’s Word, and find direction through prayer. Their reflections will leave you filled with hope in Christ.

Downloadable group study guide available at point of purchase.

Hope in Christ Logo Graphics

Download Hope in Christ Black Type on White Background WMU.zip (Zip file contains .eps, .jpg, and .png files.)

Download Hope in Christ Green Type on White Background WMU.zip (Zip file contains .eps, .jpg, and .png files.)

Download Hope in Christ White Type on Black Background WMU.zip (Zip file contains .eps, .jpg, and .png files.)

Download Hope in Christ White Type No Background WMU.zip (For use on color backgrounds. Zip file contains .eps and .png files.)